Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 8

We continued our examination of the Cold War by watching a video from the CNN Cold War series called "Soldiers of God" which deals with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. As you watched this video you were to take notes on it. If you missed class today you need to get these notes from a classmate. If you're a Diploma student you need to work on your TOK Essay this weekend. Use the resources on the wiki to help you write this essay. The TOK Essay must be submitted to the IB website by March 12th.
You watched a couple of videos from the TV news magazine show 60 Minutes. One video was called "Dutch Treat" (Netherlands case study) and "Welfare a la Carte" (Norway case study). As you watched these videos you were to take notes on them. For the remainder of class time you given time to work on your Chapter 6 Key Terms and Questions. These key terms and questions are due on Monday. Please study for your Ideological Reaction to Industrialization Test, which is on Thursday, March 14th. Please use the study guide below.
This test is multiple choice format. This test is on Thursday, March 14th.

1. Please review material from these PowerPoint presentations:
  • "The Development of Classical Liberalism"
  • "Responding to Classical Liberalism"

2. Be familiar with key concepts introduced in Chapters 3 and 4.
3. The Industrial Revolution:
  • understand fundamental economic, social and political changes that were caused by the Industrial Revolution
  • understand the connection between the Agricultural Revolution and the Enclosure Acts and the Industrial Revolution
  • understand the differences, advantages and disadvantages of the cottage system and the factory system
4. Review material in the "Philosophies of Industrialism" booklet
5. Key beliefs of the various ideologies (review the spectrums briefly); also review this material from the "Responding to Classical Liberalism" PowerPoint presentation:
  • Adam Smith
  • laissez faire economics/capitalism (key ideas)
  • John Stuart Mill
  • Karl Marx (key ideas and beliefs associated with Marx, Das Kapital, The Communist Manifesto, withering away of the state, dictatorship of the proletariat, view of history, etc. ) and Friedrich Engels (see "Philosophies of Industrialism" booklet)
  • Edmund Burke and classical conservatism
6. Some questions may require you to make connections between this year's material and what you learned in 10-1 and 20-1 as well

We completed a fictitious World War I peace conference to try and resolve the tensions that we see after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Your Chapter 5 Key Terms and Questions are due on Tuesday.

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