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Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
April 28
Social 30-1
You had the entire period to complete your Chapter 10 Key Terms and Questions, which are due tomorrow. Hopefully you got a lot completed in class and you lessened your homework load.Social 10-1
You finished watching "The Corporation" today in class. I hope that you found this film thought-provoking and interesting. Your Unit 3 project will require you to do research on a major multinational corporation, so hopefully you got some ideas of which TNC you would like to profile in this project. We'll talk about this project next week. Your homework assignment tonight is to prepare for tomorrow's class buy working on the "Advantages and Disadvantages of Wal-Mart" worksheet. It's recommended that you re-read Chapter 1, pages 10-13 for ideas on the positive and negative impacts of Wal-Mart. Please remember that you have your Chapter 10-11 Test on Monday, please see the study guide here.Tentang Panas Bumi

Menempatkan panas untuk bekerja
Dimana sumber air panas geothermal dekat permukaan, air panas itu dapat langsung dipipakan ke tempat yang membutuhkan panas. Ini adalah salah satu cara geothermal digunakan untuk air panas, menghangatkan rumah, untuk menghangatkan rumah kaca dan bahkan mencairkan salju di jalan.
Bahkan di tempat dimana penyimpanan panas bumi tidak mudah diakses, pompa pemanas tanah dapat membahwa kehangatan ke permukaan dan kedalam gedung. Cara ini bekerja dimana saja karena temparatur di bawah tanah tetap konstan selama tahunan. Sistem yang sama dapat digunakan untuk menghangatkan gedung di musim dingin dan mendinginkan gedung di musim panas.
Pembangkit listrik
Pembangkit Listrik tenaga geothermal menggunakan sumur dengan kedalaman sampai 1.5 KM atau lebih untuk mencapai cadangan panas bumi yang sangat panas. Beberapa pembangkit listrik ini menggunakan panas dari cadangan untuk secara langsung menggerakan turbin. Yang lainnya memompa air panas bertekanan tinggi ke dalam tangki bertekanan rendah. Hal ini menyebabkan "kilatan panas" yang digunakan untuk menjalankan generator turbin. Pembangkit listrik paling baru menggunakan air panas dari tanah untuk memanaskan cairan lain, seperti isobutene, yang dipanaskan pada temperatur rendah yang lebih rendah dari air. Ketika cairan ini menguap dan mengembang, maka cairan ini akan menggerakan turbin generator.
Keuntungan Tenaga Panas Bumi
Pembangkit listrik tenaga Panas Bumi hampir tidak menimpulkan polusi atau emisi gas rumah kaca. Tenaga ini juga tidak berisik dan dapat diandalkan. Pembangkit listik tenaga geothermal menghasilkan listrik sekitar 90%, dibandingkan 65-75 persen pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar fosil.
Sayangnya, bahkan di banyak negara dengan cadangan panas bumi melimpah, sumber energi terbarukan yang telah terbukti ini tidak dimanfaatkan secara besar-besaran.
sumber: greenpiece indonesia
Isu Pemanasan Global
Pemanasan global dan polusi dan pembakaran bahan bakar fosil yang menyebabkan bahwa ada ancaman di seluruh dunia. Selimut ini polusi dunia, perangkap panas dan membuat efek rumah kaca yang mempengaruhi atmosfir bumi. Semua ini berdampak pada persediaan air bersih, kesehatan masyarakat, pertanian, pantai, hutan, dan banyak lagi.
Energi bersih, terbaharukan dan ramah lingkungan

Panas Bumi adalah sumber energi panas yang terkandung di dalam air panas, uap air, dan batuan bersama mineral ikutan dan gas lainnya yang secara genetik semuanya tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam suatu sistem Panas Bumi dan untuk pemanfaatannya diperlukan proses penambangan.
Pemanfaatan panas bumi relatif ramah lingkungan, terutama karena tidak memberikan kontribusi gas rumah kaca, sehingga perlu didorong dan dipacu perwujudannya; pemanfaatan panas bumi akan mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap bahan bakar minyak sehingga dapat menghemat cadangan minyak bumi
Potensi energi panas bumi di Indonesia mencakup 40% potensi panas bumi dunia, tersebar di 251 lokasi pada 26 propinsi dengan total potensi energi 27.140 MW atau setara 219 Milyar ekuivalen Barrel minyak. Kapasitas terpasang saat ini 1.194 atau 4% dari seluruh potensi yang ada.
sumber: PERTAMINA GeoThermal Energy

Kalau kita membaca judul di atas, terbayang betapa berat beban yang harus ditanggung pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan pengembangan panas bumi. Dari sekian banyak stakeholders pengembangan panas bumi, paling tidak ada 3 pihak utama, yaitu pengembang panas bumi, PLN sebagai pembeli dan pemerintah sebagai regulator.
Mengapa sampai ada pertanyaan di atas? Ini dikarenakan banyak pihak yang berpendapat, yang mengisyaratkan ketidakyakinan, apakah pengembangan panas bumi merupakan langkah yang strategis, tepat, dan ekonomis buat Negara ataukah malah sebaliknya, akan memberikan beban kepada Negara ini. Meskipun pada sisi yang lain, banyak pihak juga yang optimis bahwa panas bumi akan memberikan solusi terhadap kekurangan pasokan listrik nasional. Pertanyaan yang sering diutarakan adalah pada harga beli listrik berapa yang harus ditanggung oleh PLN.
Panas Bumi
Seperti diketahui dari data Pemerintah, bahwa Indonesia memiliki potensi panas bumi sebesar 40% cadangan dunia, yaitu mencapai 27.000 MW. Jumlah yang sangat besar apabila dapat dikembangkan dan dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya untuk penyediaan listrik nasional. Sampai sejauh ini, pemanfaatannya hanya sebesar 1.196 MW (4.4%) saja yang berasal dari 7 pembangkit listrik yaitu di Jawa, Sulawesi dan Sumatera Utara. Mengapa baru sebesar itu? Dalam kebijakan energy-mix ditargetkan bahwa pada tahun 2025, Indonesia harus sudah dapat memanfaatkan panas bumi sebagai sumber energi minimum 5% (atau lebih dari 1.350 MW) terhadap konsumsi energi nasional. Berdasarkan milestone-nya, sesuai yang termuat dalam Blue Print Pengelolaan Energi Nasional 2006-2025, diperlukan penambahan lebih dari 5.000 MW Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panasbumi (PLTP) sebelum tahun 2015. Hal ini kemudian tertuang dalam Rencana Proyek Kelistrikan 10.000 MW Tahap Kedua antara tahun 2010-2015.
Panas Bumi di Indonesia
Dari beberapa artikel yang Penulis baca, kebutuhan listrik nasional akan meningkat antara 6-10% per tahun. Dari data PLN Jawa Bali, beban puncak dari Januari sampai dengan April 2010 berkisar antara 14.000-17.000 MW (80% dari beban nasional). Apabila dihitung rata-rata sebesar 16.000 MW, maka kebutuhan listrik nasional saat ini menjadi sekitar 20.000 MW. Rata-rata margin cadangan listrik nasional saat ini adalah 20% sedangkan persentase margin yang ideal diasumsikan sebesar 35%. Dengan mempertimbangkan kehilangan listrik secara nasional rata-rata sebesar 10% (tahun 2009), maka jumlah listrik yang harus tersedia pada kuartal pertama 2010 menjadi sekitar 29.000 MW. Tingkat elektrifikasi nasional sampai dengan Oktober 2009 baru sebesar 64% (masih di bawah 50% untuk Indonesia bagian timur, sedang Jakarta hampir 100%). Target PLN adalah 80% pada tahun 2014, terutama akan tercapai dengan masuknya pengusahaan listrik oleh swasta. Bagaimana kebutuhan listrik nasional sebesar itu dapat terpenuhi? Direktur Utama PT PLN (Persero) sebelum Dahlan Iskan, Fahmi Mochtar pernah mengatakan bahwa ada 4 tantangan utama yang menjadi penghambat percepatan penyediaan energi listrik nasional yaitu keseimbangan antara supply dan demand, tarif dan subsidi, optimalisasi "fuel mix" serta keamanan penyediaan energi primer. Dari situs Berita Indonesia, April 2009, kapasitas pembangkitan pada tahun 2009 adalah sebesar 29.705 MW (Jawa-Bali 22.302 MW dan di luar Jawa-Bali sebesar 7.403 MW). Dari data ini dapat dilihat bahwa margin cadangan listrik yang kita punyai relatif kecil. Inilah salah satu penyebab mengapa masih sering terjadi shortage listrik di Jawa-Bali.

Sejauh mana cadangan energi nasional mampu menjawab tantangan kebutuhan listrik di atas? Menurut dokumen Departemen Energi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Siaran Pers Nomor 24/HUMAS DESDM/2008 pada bulan April 2008 tentang Membangun Ketahanan Energi Nasional, disebutkan bahwa pada April 2008, cadangan dan produksi energi Indonesia terdiri dari Minyak Bumi dengan sumber daya 56,6 miliar barel, cadangan 8,4 miliar barel, produksi 348 juta barel dan rasio cadangan/produksi 24 tahun. Gas bumi dengan sumber daya 334,5 TSCF, cadangan 165 TSCF, produksi 2,79 TSCF dan rasio cadangan/produksi 59 tahun. Batubara dengan sumber daya 90,5 miliar ton, cadangan 18,7 miliar ton dan produksi 201 juta ton, sedangkan rasio cadangan/produksi 93 tahun. Coal Bed Methane (CBM) dengan sumber daya 453 TSCF. Tenaga air 75,67 GW, panas bumi 27 GW, mikro hydro 0,45 GW, biomass 49,81 GW, tenaga surya 4,8 kWh/m2/day, tenaga angin 9,29 GW dan uranium 3 GW untuk 11 tahun (hanya di Kalan, Kalimantan Barat). Dari cadangan yang tersisa, bahan bakar fosil akan habis dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama. Dengan mengandalkan sumber energi dari fosil maka akan ada ketergantungan yang tinggi terhadap harga pasar dan kehilangan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pendapatan/devisa dari ekspor bahan bahan bakar fosil tersebut karena pemanfaatan di dalam negeri. Panas bumi mempunyai keunikan secara alami yang tidak dipunyai oleh sebagian besar jenis energi yang lain, diantaranya adalah bahwa hasil dari panas bumi tidak dapat di-ekspor, hanya dapat dimanfaatkan di lokasi asal panas bumi tersebut dihasilkan, ramah lingkungan untuk mendukung usaha pemerintah merespon isu global warming, merupakan energi terbarukan, pengusahaannya tidak memerlukan lahan yang luas, tingkat keandalan pembangkit yang tinggi sehingga menjadi dapat alternative base-load dari PLN, bebas dari risiko kenaikan harga bahan bakar fosil, tidak tergantung dari cuaca, dan pada akhirnya dapat menggantikan sebagian dari bahan bakar fosil yang makin habis.
Pengusahaan panas bumi mempunyai keunikan dibandingkan dengan energi yang lain. Produksi dari pengusahaan hulu adalah uap panas yang sebagian besar akan dipakai untuk menggerakkan sudu-sudu pembangkit listrik. Kapasitas dan jenis pembangkit listrik dirancang dengan mempertimbangkan parameter-parameter tertentu; terutama karakteristik uap, cadangan yang tersedia di reservoir, kemampuan produksi uap per sumur, dan kondisi lokasi untuk tempat pembangkit. Hal-hal tersebut akan menentukan besarnya investasi yang akan ditanamkan. Skema pengusahaan dari hulu (produksi uap) ke hilir (produksi listrik) ini dikenal dengan skema total project. Pengusahaan dapat juga mengusahakan produksi uapnya saja, kemudian dijual ke pihak lain seperti yang terjadi di wilayah Gunung Salak, Drajat dan Lahendong. Pada saat ini investor secara umum lebih tertarik dengan skema pengembangan total project. Hal ini dapat dipahami karena dengan skema total project, pengembang dapat menjamin kepastian tidak adanya keterlambatan pemanfaatan produksi uap menjadi listrik. Namun demikian, baik skema parsial maupun total project, pengembang haruslah mendapatkan kepastian bahwa produksi uap dan listriknya dibeli dengan harga yang wajar oleh pembeli, dalam hal ini PLN. Karena PLN adalah pembeli tunggal listrik hasil pengusahaan tersebut, maka wajar apabila sebelum pengembang memutuskan suatu investasi, mulai dari mengikuti lelang wilayah panas bumi, eksplorasi dan eksploitasi, sudah harus diketahui berapa harga listrik yang akan diterima kalau berhasil memproduksi uap dan listrik. Hal ini berbeda dengan pengusahaan batubara dan migas, yang hasil produksinya dapat dijual bebas ke pasar dengan harga pasar. Karena itu dengan adanya beberapa lelang WKP yang melelangkan harga jual listrik sebagai penentu, dapat dikatakan sebagai langkah terobosan Pemerintah untuk mempercepat proses pembangunan pembangkit listrik panas bumi. Penentuan harga beli listrik ini sempat lama ditunggu oleh para pengembang, dan setelah melalui beberapa perubahan peraturan, akhirnya Pemerintah mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 32/2009 pada tanggal 4 Desember 2009, yang menetapkan harga patokan tertinggi pembelian tenaga listrik oleh PLN dari pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi sebesar 9,70 sen US$/Kwh. Harga ini sama dengan harga beli listrik yang diusulkan oleh API (Asosiasi Panas Bumi Indonesia), namun lebih tinggi dari usulan PLN yaitu sebesar 7,6 sen US$/Kwh. Usulan API dibarengi dengan rekomendasi bahwa project IRR yang menarik untuk pengembang adalah 16%, lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan usulan PLN sebesar 12%. JICA/BKF-DEPKEU melakukan kajian harga beli listrik panas bumi dan hasilnya adalah sebesar 11,9 sen US$/Kwh. Perbandingan yang lebih lengkap dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini.
Apakah besaran maksimum harga beli di atas memberikan dampak positif sehingga membuat para pengembang tertarik dan segera menanamkan investasi? Dari beberapa kesempatan dan berdasarkan uraian di beberapa media, nampaknya pengembang dapat menerima ceiling price yang dikeluarkan, namun masih menyisakan kebimbangan; diantaranya adalah apakah PLN akan membeli listrik dengan hasil lelang WKP? Bagaimana dengan key terms and conditions dari Electricity Sales Contract-nya (ESC)? PLN dalam banyak kesempatan masih meyakini bahwa harga beli listrik panas bumi seharusnya sama atau lebih rendah dari batubara. Masih menurut studi JICA (West JEC), harga beli listrik batubara berfluktuasi tergantung dari harga pasar batubara. Pada harga pasar tertentu, harga beli listrik dari batubara memang masih lebih rendah dari harga beli listrik panas bumi. Dengan memakai harga listrik panas bumi hasil studi JICA, sepanjang harga pasar batubara tidak lebih dari US$ 135 per ton, maka harga beli listrik batubara masih lebih rendah dari harga beli listrik panas bumi. Hal ini tentu menyisakan pertanyaan apakah harga batubara dapat bertahan di bawah harga tersebut dalam 30 tahun ke depan seiring dengan makin menipisnya cadangannya? Bagaimana dampaknya terhadap ketahanan dan swasembada energi nasional?
Tabel 1: Harga Pembelian PLTP dengan Kapasitas 110 MW (Base Price, sen US$/Kwh)
Tabel 2: Harga Listrik Pembangkit Batubara (PLTU) Hasil Studi JICA (West JEC)
Dengan memperhitungan keunikan panas bumi, JICA (West JEC) menyatakan bahwa totalbiaya pembangkit listrik PLTU (batubara) adalah sen 17,7 sen US$/kwh, lebih mahal sebesar 5,8 sen US$ per kwh dibandingkan dengan panas bumi. Perbedaan ini disebabkan oleh selisih efisiensi pembangkit, kesempatan mendapatkan devisa dari ekspor batubara, selisih pendapatan pajak serta biaya lingkungan yang harus dibebankan untuk pengusahaan batubara.
Apakah harga beli listrik panas bumi sebesar di atas tidak memberikan beban subsisi yang semakin besar ke Negara? Memang, banyak pihak yang mengatakan bahwa sejalan dengan pengembangan panas bumi sebagai sumber tenaga listrik, maka biaya subsidi yang akan ditanggung Negara akan meningkat. Hal ini tidak tepat. Seperti diketahui bahwa BPP (Biaya Pokok Penyediaan) PLN tahun 2009 adalah sebesar US$ 10 sen sedangkan harga tertinggi listrik panas bumi yang ditetapkan adalah US$ 9,7 sen. Sehingga harga beli listrik pada lokasi yang sama (electricity grid) panas bumi secara nasional masih lebih rendah dari BPP. Dengan berjalannya waktu dan dengan terambilnya porsi listrik dari tenaga diesel yang tergantikan oleh sumber panas bumi misalnya, maka BPP tentu akan turun sehingga harga beli listrik panas bumi tidak lagi lebih rendah dari BPP.
Dari semua uraian di atas, Penulis berpendapat bahwa pengusahaan tenaga listrik dari panas bumi merupakan salah satu solusi yang tepat; terutama untuk menambah tingkat elektrifikasi nasional, meningkatkan ketahanan Negara dan swasembada di bidang listrik karena pemanfaatan sumberdaya lokal yang secara karakteristik harus dimanfaatkan di tempat (non-exportable), mendukung penuh upaya Negara dalam menurunkan efek global warming, dan di atas semua itu, pemanfaatan sumberdaya panas bumi, secara integral, tidak memberikan beban subsidi yang lebih besar kepada Negara. Salah satu kunci sukses percepatan pengembangan sumberdaya panas bumi adalah response yang cepat dari PLN dalam pencapaian kesepakatan dengan para pengembang PLTP, baik dari sisi harga beli listrik maupun dalam kesepakatan ketentuan-ketentuan dan kondisi-kondisi yang penting dalam kontrak pembelian listrik. Dan pada akhirnya, kelengkapan dan ketersediaan peraturan-peraturan pendukung secara cepat dan akurat tentu sangat diperlukan oleh PLN dan para pengembang untuk bersama-sama memajukan bangsa dan Negara ini.
Catatan Tentang Penulis
Win Sukardi (Ir., M. Eng, MM, MBA, M. Hum, C.P.M.), salah satu pemerhati energi dan alumni Teknik Mesin UB-1987.
sumber: 123teknik.com (media informasi ikatan alumni fakultas teknik universitas brawijaya)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
April 27
Social 30-1
You wrote your Unit 2 Final Exam today, which took most of the period. You will get the full results when I come back from Toronto. You had two pieces of homework due today: Chapter 8 Key Terms and Questions and your 10 Questions About Democracy.Social 10-1
You should have handed in your Chapter 11 Key Terms at the beginning of class today. You continued watching "The Corporation" today and completed a film study sheet that went along with the documentary film. You will finish watching this film tomorrow. Please remember that you have your Chapter 10-11 Test on Monday, May 2nd, please see the study guide here.Tuesday, April 26, 2011
April 26
Social 10-1
We started watching "The Corporation" today in class. You will continue watching this video and completing the film study that goes along with the documentary. We also were able to select transnational corporations that you will be profiling in your TNC Dossier Assignment, this assignment is due on Monday, May 16th. We'll be able to talk about this project more next week, and I'll be able to show you some exemplars of past student projects. Please remember that your Chapter 10-11 Test is on Monday, May 2nd, please see the study guide here.Social 30-1
We started looking at Unit 3 material today. If you missed today's class you will have to get these notes from a classmate. We also watched a video from BBC World called "10 Questions About Democracy" (here is a link to the companion website if you'd like to hear what people had to say again). You are responsible for finishing the entire film study that went along with this video for tomorrow's class (I'll be doing a homework check on it, and in all likelihood, we'll be able to discuss some of the questions in the video). Your Chapter 8 Key Terms and Questions are due tomorrow. Please remember that you have your Unit 2 Final Exam tomorrow, please see the study guide below. I also gave back the results of your Chapter 7 Test as well today.
Unit 2 Final Exam Study Guide:
It will be a 75 multiple choice question test. In your textbook, this is material from Chapters 3-8. Please look at the studying hints below:
- study "The Development of Classical Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "Responding to Classical Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "The Evolution of Modern Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "The Techniques of Dictatorship" (ppt)
- study "20th Century Rejections of Modern Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "The Origins of the Cold War" (ppt)
- study the key concepts from the Chapters 3-8 worksheets
- please see the summary notes from the Ideologies textbook: Chapter 7 (Private Enterprise)
- supply-side economics
- boom and bust cycle/business cycle
- laws of supply and demand, Adam Smith, invisible hand, market forces
- self-interest, consumer sovereignty, competition, private ownership, profit motive
- basic economic problems/questions
- advantages/disadvantages of the market economy
- causes of the Great Depression
- FDR and the New Deal
- please see summary notes from the Ideologies textbook on the Mixed Economy Case Studies #14 (Sweden) and #15 (Canada), #16 (Japan), #17 (Fascism and Nazism)
also see the Democratic Socialism booklet on Sweden (indicative planning, "cradle to the grave" economics) - characteristics of a mixed economy
- nationalization
- privatization
- democratic socialism
- welfare capitalism
- Keynesian economics
- the business cycle and fiscal and monetary policies (study all of the notes I gave you and the booklet that I gave you)
- demand-side economics
- neo-conservatives
- monetarism
- trickle down economics
- supply-side economics
- Thatcherism and Reaganomics
- Milton Friedman
- Friedrich Hayek
- how Keynesian economics deals with a recession (remember "the percolator": increase circulation of money reducing taxes, increase government spending on "make work" projects, and reduce interest rates, which according to Keynesian economics is going increase demand for goods and services and lead to more money circulating in the economy)
- how supply-side economics deals with a recession (remember "trickle down coffee maker": government should stimulate the goods and services sector of the economy by reducing corporate and personal taxes, eventually benefits will "trickle down" to the middle class and working class, make connections between supply-side economics and laissez faire economics/classical liberalism)
- advantages and disadvantages of a mixed economy
- neo-conservative criticism of government intervention
- characteristics of a centrally planned economy
- advantages and disadvantages of a centrally planned economy
- Marx notes (sent by e-mail)
- Lenin notes (sent by e-mail)
- establishment of the Soviet Union
- Soviet economic system (top-down decision-making process)
- Lenin's War Communism and the New Economic Policy
- "Stalin and the Modernization of Russia" (see film notes)
- Stalin notes (sent by e-mail)
- "Changes to Soviet Society After Stalin" notes (this bridges the gap between Stalin and Gorbachev)
- Gorbachev to Collapse Notes
- Economic Planning in the USSR booklet
- techniques of dictatorships (USSR and Nazi Germany case studies)
- modern liberalism
- features of the Nazi state
- Hitler's rise to power
- Democratic Systems notes
- Non-Democratic Systems notes
- Types of Dictatorships notes (includes Techniques of Dictatorships as well)
- A Comparison of Communism and Fascism notes
- Totalitarianism notes
- Fascism/Nazism booklet (has techniques of dictatorship in Nazi Germany and USSR)
- do a brief review of the political spectrum and economic spectrum and the quadrant model
Monday, April 25, 2011
April 25
Social 10-1
You completed a film study of the documentary called "Life + Debt". As you watched this film, you were to take notes on it and complete the film study sheet. Make sure that you complete this worksheet, including the questions after the chart! I did a homework check on your WTO Charts today as well, you'll get these back tomorrow. Your Chapter 10-11 Test is on Monday, May 2nd, please see the study guide below.Chapter 10-11 Test Study Guide:
This quiz has a matching section and a short answer section. Please make sure that you review Chapters 10 and 11. Please review your answers to questions/activities from your Unit 3 worksheet, as well as the key terms (from Chapter 10-11 and from the PowerPoint presentations).Please review the following two PowerPoint presentations:
1. "Foundations of Economic Globalization"
2. "Expansion of Economic Globalization"
You should know these key terms really well:
- Bretton Woods Agreement
- international monetary system
- fixed exchange rate
- gold standard
- floating exchange rate
- World Bank
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- centrally planned economy
- free market economy
- recession
- John Maynard Keynes
- Friedrich Hayek
- Milton Friedman
- totalitarian
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
- tariff
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- What is economic globalization?
- How did 20th century world events shape contemporary economic globalization?
- What factors laid the foundations of contemporary global economics?
- What were the major global institutions that were created at the Bretton Woods Agreement?
- What are the major differences between the ideas of John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich Hayek?
- What factors contribute to expanding globalization?
- How do international agreements and organizations contribute to expanding globalization?
- How do transnational corporations contribute to expanding globalization?
- How do communication technologies contribute to expanding globalization?
- What are the benefits of the WTO system?
- What are some criticisms of the WTO?
Social 30-1
You wrote your Cold War Exam today, which took most of the period. You will get the results back tomorrow. I did a homework check on your "Good Night, and Good Luck" film study booklets as well today. Your Unit 2 Final Exam is on Wednesday, please see the study guide below.Unit 2 Final Exam Study Guide:
The Unit 2 Final Exam is on Wednesday, April 27th. It will be a 75 multiple choice question test. In your textbook, this is material from Chapters 3-8. Please look at the studying hints below:
- study "The Development of Classical Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "Responding to Classical Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "The Evolution of Modern Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "The Techniques of Dictatorship" (ppt)
- study "20th Century Rejections of Modern Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "The Origins of the Cold War" (ppt)
- study the key concepts from the Chapters 3-8 worksheets
- please see the summary notes from the Ideologies textbook: Chapter 7 (Private Enterprise)
- supply-side economics
- boom and bust cycle/business cycle
- laws of supply and demand, Adam Smith, invisible hand, market forces
self-interest, consumer sovereignty, competition, private ownership, profit motive - basic economic problems/questions
- advantages/disadvantages of the market economy
- causes of the Great Depression
- FDR and the New Deal
- please see summary notes from the Ideologies textbook on the Mixed Economy Case Studies #14 (Sweden) and #15 (Canada), #16 (Japan), #17 (Fascism and Nazism)
- also see the Democratic Socialism booklet on Sweden (indicative planning, "cradle to the grave" economics)
- characteristics of a mixed economy
- nationalization
- privatization
- democratic socialism
- welfare capitalism
- Keynesian economics
- the business cycle and fiscal and monetary policies (study all of the notes I gave you and the booklet that I gave you)
- demand-side economics
- neo-conservatives
- monetarism
- trickle down economics
- supply-side economics
- Thatcherism and Reaganomics
- Milton Friedman
- Friedrich Hayek
- how Keynesian economics deals with a recession (remember "the percolator": increase circulation of money reducing taxes, increase government spending on "make work" projects, and reduce interest rates, which according to Keynesian economics is going increase demand for goods and services and lead to more money circulating in the economy)
- how supply-side economics deals with a recession (remember "trickle down coffee maker": government should stimulate the goods and services sector of the economy by reducing corporate and personal taxes, eventually benefits will "trickle down" to the middle class and working class, make connections between supply-side economics and laissez faire economics/classical liberalism)
- advantages and disadvantages of a mixed economy
- neo-conservative criticism of government intervention
- characteristics of a centrally planned economy
- advantages and disadvantages of a centrally planned economy
- Marx notes (sent by e-mail)
- Lenin notes (sent by e-mail)
- establishment of the Soviet Union
- Soviet economic system (top-down decision-making process)
- Lenin's War Communism and the New Economic Policy
- "Stalin and the Modernization of Russia" (see film notes)
- Stalin notes (sent by e-mail)
- "Changes to Soviet Society After Stalin" notes (this bridges the gap between Stalin and Gorbachev)
- Gorbachev to Collapse Notes
- Economic Planning in the USSR booklet
- techniques of dictatorships (USSR and Nazi Germany case studies)
- modern liberalism
- features of the Nazi state
- Hitler's rise to power
- Characteristics of Democracy
- Characteristics of Dictatorship
- Democratic Systems notes
- Non-Democratic Systems notes
- Types of Dictatorships notes (includes Techniques of Dictatorships as well)
- A Comparison of Communism and Fascism notes
- Totalitarianism notes
- Fascism/Nazism booklet (has techniques of dictatorship in Nazi Germany and USSR)
- do a brief review of the political spectrum and economic spectrum and the quadrant model
Sunday, April 24, 2011
kalkulasi tegangan jatuh listrik
Seorang mahasiswa calon insinyur atau ahli madya yang serius belajar disiplin ilmunya seharusnya menguasai program spread-sheet excel sehingga kalkulasi kelistrikan secara umum akan lebih cepat difahami, dilatih, dan diingat terus sebagai pegangan bagi seorang praktisi listrik ketenagaan. Karena variabel-variabel ukuran kabel yang banyak, dan pembebanan arus yang juga bervariasi tergantung dari kebutuhan beban listrik, maka menggunakan program excel adalah merupakan keharusan. Berikut ini bentuk formulasi dasar tegangan jatuh dalam bentuk format excel/ppt yang dapat dikembangkan lebih jauh untuk aplikasi yang berbeda.
Kalkulasi tegangan jatuh listrik sebenarnya berdasarkan hukum Ohm kemudian ditambahkan faktor reaktansi (induktif atau kapasitif) dan faktor daya, maka formulasinya untuk aplikasi tegangan rendah sampai tegangan menengah 20 KV dapat ditulis sbb :
Tegangan jatuh = 1.732*R*I*cos f + 1.732*X*I*sin f
dimana 1.732 adalah hasil akar 3 ( beban 3-fasa), I adalah arus beban, R adalah resistansi arus bolak-balik AC ( bukan arus searah DC) , X adalah reaktansi induktif, dan cos f adalah faktor daya.
Kemudian data-data resistansi kabel dapat dicari dari buku katalog spesifikasi kabel seperti Supreme, Kabel Metal, Kabelindo, Tranka, Voksel yang bisa diminta langsung ke fabrikannya atau produk luar negeri untuk industri perminyakan seperti Pirelli atau Okonite. Data resistansi kabel pada umumnya disajikan dalam bentuk satuan Ohm per-kilometer sebagai resistansi arus searah DC, artinya resistansi terbaca jika kita mengukur dengan alat ukur Ohm-meter. Yang kita perlukan adalah resistansi AC (arus bolak-balik), kalau ditampilkan resistansi AC pada suhu 90 derajat Celsius maka resistansinya menjadi lebih besar. Umumnya suhu inti konduktor kabel yang diizinkan adalah 70 derajat Celsius, jadi resistansinya lebih kecil dari tabel.
Rumus tegangan jatuh diatas dapat diaplikasikan untuk arus searah DC maka faktor daya = 1 sehingga formulasinya untuk kabel 2 jalur adalah Tegangan jatuh = 2*R*I dimana R adalah resistansi DC ( hasil pengukuran alat Ohm-meter) dan I adalah arus searah DC.
Berapa jatuh tegangan kerja yang diizinkan. Jika tegangan rumah 220 Volt dan misalnya kita menerima dari sumber PLN hanya 200 Volt berari jatuh tegangan 10%, maka hal ini akan mengganggu performance motor listrik mesin pendingin (Air Conditioner atau Kulkas) atau pompa air. Jatuh tegangan maksimum 5% dari sumber ke beban konsumen masih dapat diterima sistem (misalnya sumber 400 Volt dan kita sebagai konsumen menerima tegangan kerja setelah dibebani sebesar 380 Volt), tetapi untuk perencanaan terkadang ada yang menetapkan 2,5 %, tergantung untuk aplikasi dimana dan semuanya akan mempengaruhi total biaya instalasi listrik.
Sebagai referensi online, pembaca dapat meng-click link-link situs Okonite atau General Electric untuk studi perbandingan aplikasi tegangan jatuh, tetapi ingat rating tegangan listrik Amerika berbeda dengan Indonesia, jadi kita harus mengkonversikan dahulu dan pula mereka menggunakan standar ukuran kabel AWG( lihat tabel konversi AWG dan mm2 dibawah). Silahkan pembaca melatih formulasi tegangan jatuh ini dengan excel dengan data dari berbagai sumber dan silahkan dikembangkan lebih jauh.
sumber: http://www.geocities.com/kelistrikan/powercable.htm (situs sudah tidak dapat dibuka karena yahoo geocities sudah menghentikan pelayanan gratisnya)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
April 21
Social 30-1
We finished watching "Good Night, and Good Luck" today in class. This film explores a lot of issues that are relevant to today. You also have to understand the political climate at the time in the United States to fully understand the movie. Many Americans were drawn to communism in the 1930s due to the effects of the Great Depression, especially academics and those in the labour fields. In the movie they made reference to friends and spouses that had attended meetings long ago. The "Red Scare" caused a huge backlash against those sympathetic to communism or the USSR. Remember, during WWII the Soviet Union was an ally, and many people may have attended meetings out of curiosity. The junior Senator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy in 1950 charged there were communist sympathizers in the U.S. State Department. Hearings were held, charges were discovered to be unfounded. McCarthy continued accusing communist infiltration in the Democratic Party. McCarthy became the chairman of the House Subcommittee on the investigation of un-American activity (HUAC). On December 2, 1954, McCarthy’s actions were called into question and his accusations were deemed unfounded. On Murrow's show "See it Now", he begins to publicly go after McCarthy. A very public feud develops when McCarthy responds by accusing Murrow of being a communist. Murrow is accused of having been a member of the leftist union Industrial Workers of the World, which Murrow claimed was false.In this climate of fear and reprisal (which we now refer to as McCarthyism), the CBS crew carries on and their tenacity ultimately strikes a historic blow against McCarthy. Historical footage in the movie also shows the questioning of Annie Lee Moss, a Pentagon communication worker accused of being a communist based on her name appearing on a list seen by an FBI infiltrator of the American Communist Party. In the first half of the film Murrow talks about how McCarthy didn't create the political climate and anti-Communist hysteria sweeping the country, but that he capitalized on it for political gain very effectively. As David Strathairn (playing Murrow in the film says, "We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason if we dig deep in our history and doctrine and remember that we are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes which were, for the moment, unpopular. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of the Republic to abdicate responsibility." The film is framed by the performance of the speech given by Murrow to the Radio and Television News Directors Association in 1958, in which Murrow harshly admonishes his audience not to squander the potential of television to inform and educate the public. I found this short video on YouTube that spliced together Edward R. Murrow's speech that appears at the beginning of the film and continues at the end of the film. I find that this speech has relevance even today when you talk about the level of discourse in the media. Your film study for "Good Night and Good Luck" is due on Monday, April 25th. We also did a quick review of Soviet and American leaders during the Cold War, so if you missed class today, please get these notes from a classmate. I also gave you a handout called "The End of the Cold War". Please remember that you have your Chapter 7 Test (Cold War period) on Monday, April 25th (here is the study guide-scroll down to find it) and your Unit 2 Final Exam on April 27th (Wednesday), please see the study guide here.
Social 10-1
We finished off "The Expansion of Economic Globalization" PowerPoint presentation today. I will be sending this presentation to you this afternoon. I also gave back the results of your Unit 2 Final Exam. I gave you a booklet that examined the WTO, the IMF, and the World Bank. You have a homework assignment that is due on Monday on the WTO. For Monday, you must create a WTO chart (a T-chart) with advantages and disadvantages of the WTO system. You are to "back up" your statements in your WTO chart (for example, don't simply put "The WTO is killing people", that's a statement that requires clarification) You might want to check out this link to criticisms of the WTO. Your Chapter 10-11 Test is on Monday, May 2nd, so I will be posting a study guide one week in advance (April 25th).Wednesday, April 20, 2011
April 20
Social 30-1
We started looking at the film "Good Night, and Good Luck" today in class. This film explores McCarthyism in the early 1950s. The film study that I provided you with also has a film review, and some study questions and some discussion questions. This film definitely has relevance in today's world (which we'll be talking about more tomorrow and in Unit 3 of the course). Hopefully, we'll finish off the film tomorrow, and be able to have a short discussion period of some of the issues the film raises. In all likelihood, the study questions from the film study will be due on Monday. Please remember that you have your Chapter 7 Exam (Cold War Exam) on Monday, April 25th and your Unit 2 Final Exam on Wednesday, April 27th.
- Chapter 7 Exam (Cold War) Study Guide (scroll down to find it)
- Unit 2 Final Exam Study Guide (scroll down to find it)
In all likelihood, I will start with this speech in the film in tomorrow's class.
Social 10-1
I did a homework check on your Chapter 10 Questions today. Your Chapter 11 Key Terms are due tomorrow. You wrote your Unit 2 Final Exam today, which took most of the period. You will get the results of this test back tomorrow.Tuesday, April 19, 2011
April 19
Social 10-1
We started a PowerPoint lecture today called "The Expansion of Economic Globalization", which we will finish on Thursday. Tomorrow, you have your Unit 2 Final Exam, here is the study guide. If you didn't hand in your Chapter 10 Questions today, please make sure that you have it ready for tomorrow. Your Chapter 11 Key Terms are due on Thursday, April 21st.Social 30-1
I gave you some notes on arms reduction talks, specifically on bilateral agreements between the USSR and the USA, and multilateral agreements on arms reduction. I also gave you a booklet that covered the same topic. I showed you a National Geographic video called "Inside North Korea", to show you the legacies of the Cold War in the world today. I also did a homework check on your Vietnam War Assignment. Your Chapter 7 Test is on Monday, April 25th, please see the study guide here (scroll down to find it). I also posted the study guide for your Unit 2 Final Exam, so please find the study guide here (scroll down to find it).Monday, April 18, 2011
April 18
Social 10-1
I gave you back your Unit 2 WRA I at the beginning of class today. I will do a workshop on this writing assignment in tutorial on Wednesday. I then showed you a short video from an Australian TV show called "Dateline". This video focused in on "China's Ghost Cities". Building massive cities is one way in which the Chinese government is able to provide jobs and continue maintain GDP growth. You can watch the video here, or have a look at these cities from satellite images as well. We were also able to have a short four corner debate on genetically modified foods from the "Dilemmas of Global Trade" sheet that I gave you on Friday. Your Unit 2 Final Exam is on Wednesday, please see the study guide here.Social 30-1
I did a homework check on your Chapter 7 Key Terms at the beginning of class today. We watched the documentary film "Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam" for most of the period. Here is the link to your Chapter 7 Test (The Cold War), this test is on Monday, April 25th. You'll have to scroll down to find the Chapter 7 Test Study Guide. Your Unit 2 Final Exam is on Wednesday, April 27th, please see the study guide below.Unit 2 Final Exam Study Guide:
The Unit 2 Final Exam is on Wednesday, April 27th. It will be a 75 multiple choice question test. In your textbook, this is material from Chapters 3-8. Please look at the studying hints below:
- study "The Development of Classical Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "Responding to Classical Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "The Evolution of Modern Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "The Techniques of Dictatorship" (ppt)
- study "20th Century Rejections of Modern Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "The Origins of the Cold War" (ppt)
- study the key concepts from the Chapters 3-8 worksheets
- please see the summary notes from the Ideologies textbook: Chapter 7 (Private Enterprise)
- supply-side economics
- boom and bust cycle/business cycle
- laws of supply and demand, Adam Smith, invisible hand, market forces
self-interest, consumer sovereignty, competition, private ownership, profit motive - basic economic problems/questions
- advantages/disadvantages of the market economy
- causes of the Great Depression
- FDR and the New Deal
- please see summary notes from the Ideologies textbook on the Mixed Economy Case Studies #14 (Sweden) and #15 (Canada), #16 (Japan), #17 (Fascism and Nazism)
- also see the Democratic Socialism booklet on Sweden (indicative planning, "cradle to the grave" economics)
- characteristics of a mixed economy
- nationalization
- privatization
- democratic socialism
- welfare capitalism
- Keynesian economics
- the business cycle and fiscal and monetary policies (study all of the notes I gave you and the booklet that I gave you)
- demand-side economics
- neo-conservatives
- monetarism
- trickle down economics
- supply-side economics
- Thatcherism and Reaganomics
- Milton Friedman
- Friedrich Hayek
- how Keynesian economics deals with a recession (remember "the percolator": increase circulation of money reducing taxes, increase government spending on "make work" projects, and reduce interest rates, which according to Keynesian economics is going increase demand for goods and services and lead to more money circulating in the economy)
- how supply-side economics deals with a recession (remember "trickle down coffee maker": government should stimulate the goods and services sector of the economy by reducing corporate and personal taxes, eventually benefits will "trickle down" to the middle class and working class, make connections between supply-side economics and laissez faire economics/classical liberalism)
- advantages and disadvantages of a mixed economy
- neo-conservative criticism of government intervention
- characteristics of a centrally planned economy
- advantages and disadvantages of a centrally planned economy
- Marx notes (sent by e-mail)
- Lenin notes (sent by e-mail)
- establishment of the Soviet Union
- Soviet economic system (top-down decision-making process)
- Lenin's War Communism and the New Economic Policy
- "Stalin and the Modernization of Russia" (see film notes)
- Stalin notes (sent by e-mail)
- "Changes to Soviet Society After Stalin" notes (this bridges the gap between Stalin and Gorbachev)
- Gorbachev to Collapse Notes
- Economic Planning in the USSR booklet
- techniques of dictatorships (USSR and Nazi Germany case studies)
- modern liberalism
- features of the Nazi state
- Hitler's rise to power
- Characteristics of Democracy
- Characteristics of Dictatorship
- Democratic Systems notes
- Non-Democratic Systems notes
- Types of Dictatorships notes (includes Techniques of Dictatorships as well)
- A Comparison of Communism and Fascism notes
- Totalitarianism notes
- Fascism/Nazism booklet (has techniques of dictatorship in Nazi Germany and USSR)
- do a brief review of the political spectrum and economic spectrum and the quadrant model
Friday, April 15, 2011
April 15
Social 10-1
I collected your Chapter 10 Key Terms today in class. We watched part of the China Rises series called "Getting Rich". As you watched this documentary you were to complete film study questions. Information that you collected during this video could be useful on an upcoming essay if you used China as a case study of the positives or the negatives of economic globalization. If you missed class today, please make sure that you pick up the film study and get the notes from a classmate. Here is a hyperlink to the China Rises website, which could be useful for your study. I also gave you a handout called "Dilemmas of Global Trade" which I would like you to have read prior to Monday's class. We will be discussing the issues raised in this handout. I recommend that you also rank your top 3 or 4 choices of scenarios that you would like to discuss in class. Please remember that your Unit 2 Final Exam is on Wednesday, April 20th. Please see the study guide here for this very important exam.Social 30-1
We continued our look at the Vietnam War. I gave you a couple of key handouts on the Vietnam War that you MUST read before Monday's class. I gave you a booklet on the Vietnam War that contained the Vietnam War Assignment. This assignment is due on Tuesday. You are responsible for the A-C sections on the front page with this assignment (please see below).Vietnam War Assignment
A. PEOPLEIdentify and explain the role each played in the Vietnam War
1. Ho Chi Minh
2. Ngo Dinh Diem
3. Lyndon B. Johnson
4. Richard M. Nixon
5. Viet Minh
6. Viet Cong
7. Le Duc Tho
8. Henry Kissinger
9. William Westmoreland
10. "Draft Dodger"
Explain the significance of the following with regards to the Vietnam War (identify participants or individuals if appropriate)
1. Ho Chi Minh Trail
2. defoliation
3. "search and destroy" mission
4. "Vietnamization of the war"
5. Gulf of Tonkin Incident
6. My Lai Massacre
7. domino theory
8. Kent State University protest (May 4, 1970)
9. Tet Offensive (January 1968)
10. Geneva Agreement (1954)
Provide the information requested
1. The predominant religion of Vietnam
2. The battle which marked the end of French colonial rule in Indo-China
3. The scandal which led to the only resignation of an American President
4. The Vice President who replaced the President after his resignation
5. Why was November 1963 a "bad month" for the governments of South Vietnam and the United States?
I also gave you a booklet that outlined the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, as well as having a graph with the number of American soldiers in Vietnam, as well as the number of deaths in the conflict. As we will see, public support for the Vietnam War changes over time as more and more American soldiers are killed. We see a growth in the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations, and the media also played a role in the turn of popular opinion against the war. I REALLY recommend that you have a look at the this series of photographs from the Vietnam War era, pretty powerful imagery (make sure that you read the captions too). Here is a link to the NPR that explains the story behind the photograph below, definitely worth the time to read or listen to the podcast, and make sure that you look at the photo gallery of Eddie Adams' photographs of the Vietnam War.

There are certain iconic images associated with the Vietnam War. Here is another:

The above photograph is of Phan Thị Kim Phúc, O.Ont (born in 1963), she is a Vietnamese-Canadian best known as the child subject of a Pulitzer Prize winning photograph taken during the Vietnam War on June 8, 1972. The iconic photo taken in Trang Bang by AP photographer Nick Ut shows her at about age nine running naked on the street after being severely burned on her back by a South Vietnamese napalm attack. Contrary to popular myth, the US Air Force were not involved in the attack, and only two US troops were within 60 miles (97 km) of the scene, neither of whom had any say in the bombings. Still, it is a powerful image associated with the war.
I'm posting the study guide for your Chapter 7 Test (Cold War Exam) below. You have a lot of review and studying to do, that's why I'm posting this study guide so far in advance (this test is on Monday, April 25th).
Chapter 7 Test Study Guide:
It is a multiple choice test with 70-75 multiple choice questions. Please make sure that you have read Chapter 7. Here are some other study tips:- study "The Origins of the Cold War (ppt)"
- study all notes on the Origins and Causes of the Cold War
- study notes on the Korean War
- study notes on the Cuban Missile Crisis
- study notes on the Vietnam War (see notes package and Vietnam War booklet, and the notes that I sent to you on the Vietnam War)
- make sure that you know all the Cold War Concepts
- know the chronology of events of the Cold War (study the Cold War timeline and the Vietnam War timeline, and the end of the Cold War timeline that I will be giving you in subsequent class)
- know key events that we've emphasized in class (for example: Berlin Airlift, Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War) plus other key events from the timeline
- know major arms reduction agreements (bilateral agreements and multilateral agreements), please study the notes that I will give you next week on this topic.
- know about the formation of alliances (NATO, Warsaw Pact) and the formation of "spheres of influence"
- anything that I gave you as a handout is testable material and should be reviewed!!
- know how the Cold War ends and its results/consequences
Thursday, April 14, 2011
April 14
Social 30-1
Most of today's class was spent watching excerpts from the movie "Born on the Fourth of July". I also did a homework check on Cold War Events Notes. Please remember that your Southeast Asia package is due tomorrow. Your Chapter 7 Key Terms (key terms only!) are due on Monday, April 18th. We'll continue looking at the Vietnam War tomorrow and on Monday as well.Social 10-1
For most of the period you watched and took notes on a video called "Global Economic Issues". I also gave you your Unit 3 Worksheets today. Your Chapter 10 Key Terms (key terms only!) are due tomorrow. Your Unit 2 Final Exam is on Wednesday, April 20th, please see the study guide here.Wednesday, April 13, 2011
April 13
Social 30-1
We watched a short video today on the construction of the Berlin Wall and then we watched a video from the BBC 20th Century History series called "Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Khrushchev". I also gave you some more notes on the Cuban Missile Crisis as well. Make sure that you have your Cold War Events Notes completed by tomorrow, and your Southeast Asia package finished for Friday. I have sent you notes on the Vietnam War to your e-mail accounts so please read them prior to tomorrow's class.Social 10-1
I finished off the "Foundations of Economic Globalization" PowerPoint presentation today in class. I will send this to you tonight, as well as update the wiki so you can access this presentation online as well. Your Imperialism Research Projects are due today, so please make sure that you send me the hyperlink to your Prezi to my e-mail account. When I get your Prezi links I will respond back so you know that I received it. Your Unit 2 Final Exam is one week from today, please check the study guide here.Tuesday, April 12, 2011
April 12
Social 10-1
We started looking at the "Foundations of Economic Globalization" today. I will be continuing this PowerPoint lecture tomorrow. Please remember to send me the link to your Imperialism Research Project Prezis tomorrow by e-mail. You should also submit your reference list tomorrow, but please remember not to put it in Prezi, simply type it up in Word and hand in a hard copy. Your Unit 2 Final Exam is on Wednesday, April 20th, please see the study guide here.Social 30-1
We looked at the Korean War today in class. We watched a video from the Turning Points in History series called "Crisis in Korea". I also gave you a couple of handouts on the Korean War. You had time today to work on your Cold War Events Notes as well. The Cold War Events Notes are due on Thursday, April 14th. Today was your last day to work from the Cold War and After booklets, so if you didn't finish the charts then you'll have to get your information from elsewhere. Your Chapter 7 Test is on Monday, April 25th, I will be posting the study guide for this test a week in advance (the 18th).Monday, April 11, 2011
April 11
Social 10-1
You wrote your Unit 2 WRA I today in class, which took about 65 minutes of today's period. Your Imperialism Research Project is due on Wednesday, please see the wiki or your e-mail inbox for the rubric for this assignment. Your Unit 2 Final Exam is on Wednesday, April 20th, please see the study guide here. Please make sure that you read the following pages in Chapter 10 from Perspectives on Globalization prior to tomorrow's class: pages 209-216. I will be starting Unit 3 material tomorrow so be prepared.Social 30-1
I returned your Unit 2 WRA I at the beginning of class today. For Period 3 Social 30-1 students please come to tutorial on Wednesday for a workshop session on the Unit 2 WRA I that you wrote. For Period 4 Social 30-1 students, please come to tutorial on Thursday for your session. We watched a video from the BBC 20th Century History series called "Cold War Confrontation" which covers the end of WWII, the Berlin Blockade and the Korean War. We'll be looking at the Korean War in greater detail tomorrow. I gave you a booklet on the causes of the Cold War, and notes booklet that you are to have completed by Thursday called "Cold War Key Events Notes". You will get some time tomorrow to work on this booklet.Friday, April 8, 2011
April 8
Social 10-1
We finished looking at the residential school apology and the common experience payment (CEP) and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission today which sort of wraps up Unit 2 material. Please remember that you have your Unit 2 WRA I on Monday. Like I said in class, think back to the major themes and concepts that we've looked at in Unit 2 and chances are that will be the central theme of the WRA I for this unit. Please make sure that you review HOW to write a WRA I this weekend. This is your last weekend to work on your Imperialism Research Projects as well. Check the wiki I've uploaded some videos on how to use Prezi. Please remember that you are to type your citation list in Microsoft Word and submit it, so you don't have to do it in Prezi. Your Unit 2 Final Exam is on March 20th, please see the study guide here.Social 30-1
We started our examination of the Cold War today. I hope that you read Chapter 7 prior to today's class. If you haven't read it yet, please do so tonight. I delivered a PowerPoint presentation today called "The Origins of the Cold War", which I have already sent to you. Make sure that you read the other handout that I gave you on the Cold War today, because it contains important information. I would like you to go to the World War II Behind Closed Doors website this weekend, and read the sections on the Yalta Conference and the Potsdam Conference. This is an excellent site, with tons of information, maps, video clips, timelines and archival footage and re-enactments as well. You do need to really make sure that you understand the Yalta Agreements and the Potsdam Declaration (among other things) and this is a great site to do this. Episode 3 is the one that contains most of the information that you would need to read and watch. There's a great little video clip on this website called "Stalin's Distrust of the West" that might help you see WWII from the Soviet perspective and why the Soviets might wish to extend control over Eastern Europe and be so distrustful of their wartime allies. You can find this video clip in Episode 3 (Dividing the World), scroll down and click on the video clip on the right called "Stalin's Distrust of the West". It's a short little clip, but you'll get the idea. We'll continue our look at the Cold War next week.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
April 7
Social 30-1
You wrote your Nazi Germany Quiz today and you'll get the results back tomorrow. We started looking at the origins of the Cold War today. If you missed class today you'll need to get a couple of handouts, one called "The Origins of the Cold War" and the other was a booklet called "Timeline of the Cold War". We'll continue looking at the origins of the Cold War tomorrow when we start looking at the WWII conferences in greater detail.Social 10-1
We finished watching "Where the Spirit Lives" today, and after completing the film study you wrote a short quiz on the film. We also watched a short CBC News in Review video on the Canadian government's official apology for the residential school system. Please have a look at the following hyperlink on the residential school system: CBC Archives: Canada's Residential Schools. We'll continue looking at the residential school system tomorrow along with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.Upcoming important dates:
- Unit 2 WRA I is on Monday, April 11th
- Imperialism Research Project is due on Wednesday, April 13th
- Unit 2 Final Exam is on Wednesday, April 20th (please see the study guide here)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
April 6
Social 30-1
We looked at a PowerPoint presentation called "The Techniques of Dictatorship" today, which focused in primarily on propaganda in the Third Reich. I will be sending this presentation to you this afternoon, so please check your e-mail. You have your Nazi Germany Quiz tomorrow, please see the study guide here (scroll down to find it). Please make sure that you read Chapter 7 tonight because after we finish tomorrow's quiz I will be moving into the Cold War.Social 10-1
We started watching the film "Where the Spirit Lives" today in class and we will be finishing it off tomorrow. You will be writing a brief quiz about this film tomorrow in class. Please make sure that you are completing the film study as you watch this film. Please have a look at the upcoming important dates below.- Unit 2 WRA I (3 Source Analysis) is on Monday, April 11th (Room 111)
- Imperialism Research Project is due on Wednesday, April 13th
- Unit 2 Final Exam is on Wednesday, April 20th (please see the study guide here)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
April 5
Social 10-1
You wrote your Chapter 7 Test today, which took most of the period. Please remember that your Chapter 9 Key Terms and Questions are due on Thursday. Your Imperialism Research Project is due on Wednesday, April 13th. Your Unit 2 WRA I is on Monday, April 11th. Your next big assessment is on Wednesday, April 20th. Please see the study guide below.Unit 2 Final Exam
This final exam is entirely multiple choice format. There are 57 multiple choice questions. This Unit 2 Final Exam will be on Wednesday, April 20th. Please make sure that you study your key terms from Unit 2 (Chapters 6-9), as well as the three PowerPoint presentations from this unit:- "Historical Globalization and Imperialism"
- "Legacies of Historical Globalization"
- "Legacies of Historical Globalization in Canada"
- world views
- historical globalization
- cultural contact
- depopulation
- the Silk Road
- international trade
- mercantilism
- capitalism
- free market
- entrepreneurs
- Adam Smith
- exploitation
- communism
- industrialization
- Industrial Revolution
- cottage industries
- imperialism
- "new" imperialism
- "old" imperialism
- colony
- protectorate
- sphere of influence
- paternalistic
- Confederation
- residential schools
- the Oka crisis
- First Nations Policing Policy
- legacy
- ethnocentrism
- Eurocentrism
- Scramble for Africa
- Leopold II
- migration
- displacement
- British East India Company
- Queen Elizabeth I
- the Raj
- Mohandas Gandhi
- swadeshi
- deindustrialization
- colonization
- the Hundred Associates
- Hudson’s Bay Company
- Rupert’s Land
- North West Company
- Seven Years’ War
- Proclamation of 1763
- Quebec Act of 1774
- the Numbered Treaties
- the Indian Act
- Status Indian
- Non-Status Indian
- multiculturalism
- specific claims
- comprehensive claims
Social 30-1
Most of today's class was spent writing your Chapter 5 Test, you will get the results of this test back tomorrow. Your Nazi Germany Quiz is on Thursday, April 7th. This quiz has a matching format, please see the study guide here (scroll down to find it).Monday, April 4, 2011
April 4
Social 10-1
We finished the "Legacies of Historical Globalization in Canada" PowerPoint lecture today. I will send this presentation to you tonight. Your Chapter 9 Key Terms and Questions are due on Thursday, please make sure that you actually read Chapter 9. Your Chapter 7 Test is tomorrow, please see the study guide here.Social 30-1
Most of today's class was spent writing your Unit 2 WRA I. Your Chapter 5 Test is tomorrow, please see the study guide here. I also did a homework check on your Fascism Booklet. Your Nazi Germany Quiz is on Thursday, please see the study guide here.
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