Social 30-1
I gave you back the results of your Unit 1 Final Exam. I gave you some advice on how to structure your 1st paragraph for your Unit 1 Essay. On Monday, you have your Unit 1 In-Class Position Paper, which is one of the types of written response assignments you will be expected to write for Part A of your Diploma Exam. I gave you the essay sheet at the end of class, you are allowed to prepare notes on the bottom quarter of this sheet and bring it with you into the Blenheim Room on Monday. The notes must be hand-printed/hand-written and can only be below the line clearly marked on the essay question sheet. Here is the text-based source:
"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."
-Martin Luther King Jr.
As always, the essay question will be the same throughout the semester:
To what extent should we embrace the ideological perspective(s) in the source?
Use this weekend to prepare ideas, arguments, specific and detailed evidence to support your position. You are not allowed to write the essay ahead of time or anything like that, but prepare for it. Use the essay outline sheet that I have e-mailed to you, and start organizing your essay. Go back over the "Recipe for Success" as well and make sure that you follow the checklists of what needs to be in each paragraph of your essay (particularly that first paragraph). Also, look over the "Anlalyzing Quotes" handout for advice as to how to analyze a text-based source. Good luck!
Social 20-1
You wrote your World Geography Test today. I also started a PoweRPoint presentation/lecture on the Napoleonic Age that I will continue on Monday. You have your Chapter 1-2 Test on Thursday, please see the study guide here.
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