We continued our look at the Vietnam War today by watching an excerpt from "Born of the Fourth of July". Please remember that you have your Cold War Concepts Quiz tomorrow,
please see the study guide here.
Here is a link to the NPR that explains the story behind this photograph, definitely worth the time to read or listen to the podcast, and make sure that you look at the photo gallery of Eddie Adams' photographs of the Vietnam War.

There are certain iconic images associated with the Vietnam War. Here is another:

The above photograph is of Phan Thị Kim Phúc, O.Ont (born in 1963), she is a Vietnamese-Canadian best known as the child subject of a Pulitzer Prize winning photograph taken during the Vietnam War on June 8, 1972. The iconic photo taken in Trang Bang by AP photographer Nick Ut shows her at about age nine running naked on the street after being severely burned on her back by a South Vietnamese napalm attack. Contrary to popular myth, the US Air Force were not involved in the attack, and only two US troops were within 60 miles (97 km) of the scene, neither of whom had any say in the bombings. Still, it is a powerful image associated with the war.
Please remember to hand in your Southeast Asia package tomorrow as well as your Chapter 7 Key Terms and Questions. Your Vietnam War Assignment is due on Wednesday.
I'm posting study guides for your Chapter 7 Test (Cold War Exam) and your Unit 2 Final Exam below. You have a lot of review and studying to do, that's why I'm posting these study guides so far in advance.
The Chapter 7 Test is on Monday, April 26th. It is a multiple choice test with 70-75 multiple choice questions. Please make sure that you have read Chapter 7. Here are some other study tips:
- study "The Origins of the Cold War (ppt)"
- study all notes on the Origins and Causes of the Cold War
- study notes on the Korean War
- study notes on the Cuban Missile Crisis
- study notes on the Vietnam War (see notes package and Vietnam War booklet, and the notes that I sent to you on the Vietnam War)
- make sure that you know all the Cold War Concepts (please see the Cold War Concepts Quiz Study Guide)
- know the chronology of events of the Cold War (study the Cold War timeline and the Vietnam War timeline, and the end of the Cold War timeline that I will be giving you on subsequent class)
- know key events that we've emphasized in class (for example: Berlin Airlift,Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War) plus other key events from the timeline
- know major arms reduction agreements (bilateral agreements and multilateral agreements), please study the notes that I will give you on this week on this topic.
- know about the formation of alliances (NATO, Warsaw Pact) and the formation of "spheres of influence"
- anything that I gave you as a handout is testable material and should be reviewed!!
- know how the Cold War ends and its results/consequences
The Unit 2 Final Exam is on Thursday, April 29th. It will be a 75 multiple choice question test. In your textbook, this is material from Chapters 3-8. Please look at the studying hints below:
- study "The Development of Classical Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "Responding to Classical Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "The Evolution of Modern Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "The Techniques of Dictatorship" (ppt)
- study "20th Century Rejections of Modern Liberalism" (ppt)
- study "The Origins of the Cold War" (ppt)
- study the key concepts from the Chapters 3-8 worksheets
- please see the summary notes from the Ideologies textbook: Chapter 7 (Private Enterprise)
- supply-side economics
- boom and bust cycle/business cycle
- laws of supply and demand, Adam Smith, invisible hand, market forces
self-interest, consumer sovereignty, competition, private ownership, profit motive - basic economic problems/questions
- advantages/disadvantages of the market economy
- causes of the Great Depression
- FDR and the New Deal
- please see summary notes from the Ideologies textbook on the Mixed Economy Case Studies #14 (Sweden) and #15 (Canada), #16 (Japan), #17 (Fascism and Nazism)
- also see the Democratic Socialism booklet on Sweden (indicative planning, "cradle to the grave" economics)
- characteristics of a mixed economy
- nationalization
- privatization
- democratic socialism
- welfare capitalism
- Keynesian economics
- the business cycle and fiscal and monetary policies (study all of the notes I gave you and the booklet that I gave you)
- demand-side economics
- neo-conservatives
- monetarism
- trickle down economics
- supply-side economics
- Thatcherism and Reaganomics
- Milton Friedman
- Friedrich Hayek
- how Keynesian economics deals with a recession (remember "the percolator": increase circulation of money reducing taxes, increase government spending on "make work" projects, and reduce interest rates, which according to Keynesian economics is going increase demand for goods and services and lead to more money circulating in the economy)
- how supply-side economics deals with a recession (remember "trickle down coffee maker": government should stimulate the goods and services sector of the economy by reducing corporate and personal taxes, eventually benefits will "trickle down" to the middle class and working class, make connections between supply-side economics and laissez faire economics/classical liberalism)
- advantages and disadvantages of a mixed economy
- neo-conservative criticism of government intervention
- characteristics of a centrally planned economy
- advantages and disadvantages of a centrally planned economy
- Marx notes (sent by e-mail)
- Lenin notes (sent by e-mail)
- establishment of the Soviet Union
- Soviet economic system (top-down decision-making process)
- Lenin's War Communism and the New Economic Policy
- "Stalin and the Modernization of Russia" (see film notes)
- Stalin notes (sent by e-mail)
- "Changes to Soviet Society After Stalin" notes (this bridges the gap between Stalin and Gorbachev)
- Gorbachev to Collapse Notes
- Economic Planning in the USSR booklet
- techniques of dictatorships (USSR and Nazi Germany case studies)
- modern liberalism
- features of the Nazi state
- Hitler's rise to power
- Characteristics of Democracy
- Characteristics of Dictatorship
- Democratic Systems notes
- Non-Democratic Systems notes
- Types of Dictatorships notes (includes Techniques of Dictatorships as well)
- A Comparison of Communism and Fascism notes
- Totalitarianism notes
- Fascism/Nazism booklet (has techniques of dictatorship in Nazi Germany and USSR)
- do a brief review of the political spectrum and economic spectrum and the quadrant model
We finished looking at the eight stages of genocide and how governments and individuals deny genocide. We started watching the CNN special called "Scream Bloody Murder" which covers examples of genocide in the 20th and 21st century. As you were watching the video, you were to take notes. Here's a
link to the CNN Scream Bloody Murder website.